Need Help W/ 7 Yo Dd's Hair

Updated on June 12, 2008
K.B. asks from Perry, NY
21 answers

My sweet, beautiful little girl has such big problems with her hair. No matter what I've tried she looks scraggly and uncombed within a short time after combing it. Her hair is thin and straight, a tiny bit of body to it. When she gets home from school it looks like nothing has been done to her hair all day. She showers and washes her hair every other day unless it's super hot, she's been playing hard and getting sweaty, then it's daily. Even with taming products and conditioners it's still the same. When she wakes up in the morning her hair is all over the place and we laugh calling her "Broom Hilda" she giggles up a storm. On humid days her hair seperates into ringlets but still looks unkept. Her hair is longer, just past her shoulders and we would like her hair to grow longer. It has taken forver for her hair to get as long as it is. I swear for the longest time it didn't grow at all. Any thoughts on this would be appreciated.

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answers from New York on

Hi K.,

My 8 year old girl has this hair. Eating Milk, Peanut butter and other protien foods helped with her hair, Her hair is down to her rear. I have braided it at bed time since it was at her shoulders, this helps prevent tangles that pulled her hair out when I brushed it in the morning. I also wouldn't use a comb. Use a soft bristle brush not a vent brush. Her hair looks better by the time she comes home. Use comb on tough tangles that don't come out. I use very little conditioner at shampoo time.



answers from New York on

I have the same problem with my daughter's hair, her only saving grace is that she is 2 years old and not in school yet. She used to have a beautiful head of hair and it thinned out and fell out. Her doctor said that all will be fine and it will grow back. Her hair always looks messsy and un-kept as if she does not have anyone who loves her enough to do her hair. I mixed toghether Johnson's and Johnson's baby oil with water and put it in a spray bottle. I spritzed her hair with that and make it manageable and then I put pretty barettes which usually fall out in no time or a pretty headband which works better.

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answers from Jamestown on

I am the Queen of problem

First off...washing hair everyday, in my opinion, only makes the body make extra oils to replaced the oil washed away daily.

I dated this guy once who had the most beautiful, silky, long, sraight hair. I asked him how he takes such good care of it. He told me that he never washes it every day, he uses two or three different types of shampoo a week (to stop build up), and he always uses Mane and Tail conditioner (found at Dollar Store/Wal-mart)He also said that when you rinse your hair use cold(er) water to close the pores on your head because it reduces the amount of oil that collects.

When it came to getting it as long as he had it (past his waist), he got an inch cut off every month and gets a scalp massage once a week. (You can do that yourself)

Hope this helps,



answers from New York on

Hello K.,

It sounds like you might not be using the right conditioner. It takes a little while to train hair. I had to experiment with multiple conditioners before I got it right. I currently use Pantene on my daughters hair and switch between Olive Oil hair moisturizer and Dudley's PCA depending on the climate. I typically apply one or the other (again depending on the weather) only when the hair is wet. During the week I may moisturize her scalp only.

Keep trying...eventually you will get it right. If your daughter is African American, you do not want to wash her hair everyday (as advised by several stylists). Daily washing (for African Americans)strips the hair of it's natural oils.

If all else fails, take her to Milagros Beauty Salon in New Brunswick. Ask for Elizabeth, she appears to be very good with children.

Hope this helps.



answers from New York on

Personally, I think if you keep her hair short, it would be much easy to take care. have you ever thought about braiding her hair? That might help.



answers from New York on

My 9 year old daughter has the same exact problem. The only two things I have tried that work are in the winter after blow drying her hair completely, I flat iron it with a straightening iron. It keeps it neat for at least two days (keeps the frizz out) and buys me an extra day with the washing. In summer or warmer weather, I braid it at night, it keeps the top flat (neat) and the bottom wavy which keeps it from getting frizzy in the humidity. Hope this helps. P.S- I also found cutting her hair short made it worse, not better.



answers from New York on

I have similar problems with my 6 yr. old. I have found that Paul Mitchell makes a wonderful leave in conditioner. Simply called "The Conditioner". After shampoo is rinsed, put a dime sized amount into wet hair and dry as usual. I also find that after a good brushing, a headband works best and keeps hair neat looking.
Hope this helps. Good luck!



answers from New York on

Due to the fact she has fine hair, its best at this time to keep her hair at shoulder length. I too wanted mine to have long hair, but cut it myself till it had more strength, Try it and see if it works.



answers from New York on

Her hair sounds a lot like mine- completely unmanageable!
What I do, is I shower at night and wash my hair. Then I blow dry it and sleep with it in a ponytail. It keeps it atleast somewhat maintained so that in the a.m., all I have to do is very little styling with a litter water and a curling iron. Hope this helps! I know, being a girl can be such a pain sometimes!



answers from New York on

pig tails and use mousse to help keep it tamed.



answers from New York on

I would keep her hair styled instead of wild & free :) LOL!

Headbands, ponytail, barrettes, braids, bun...there are so many cute hair accessories for little girls!!!

I have the opposite problem...I have a little boy with wild hair :) He is 16 months old & has not had his first haircut yet. His hair is fine & it curls up at the ends! It is so sweet for a short time after his bath...but as the day progresses it gets CRAZZZZZY! For him it is an easy fix...cut it...I just can't...not YET!



answers from New York on

My daughter's hair is just like that. I use hair gel and put at least part of it up. The gel keeps the "up" part together so at least she looks like someone brushed her hair that day!



answers from New York on

Your description sounds exactly like my daughter's hair. I have found it helps to use "grown up" shampoo and conditioner, comb it out and have her sleep in a loose ponytail. In the morning it looks beautiful. And by the end of the day its a scraggly mess again!
Good luck,
K. S



answers from New York on

I know you don't want to hear this, but keep it SHORT!!! With thin hair long hair just doesn't work no matter what you try! When I say short, it doesn't have to be a boy cut, but more like that 1920s bob hairdo! It's so cute and all the celebs are doing it too! i do this with my girls hair and it makes such a difference...we don't argue and agonize when it comes to the hair routine in the morning or before going out. It'll make your life and hers ALOT easier!



answers from New York on

Maybe your daughters hair shouldn't be long, at least right now. I think you should cut it for the summer leaving her neck clear. It will comb easier. Also, don't wash it so much, just use conditioner. Wash 2x/ week at the most. Washing dries out the hair & makes it brittle not to mention taking away the oils in her skin & making it dry. My daughters have very curly hair & as mine is straight, I had trouble understanding what it needed. Everyone's hair is different just like they are.



answers from New York on

have you tried taking her to a good hair stylist? I know of one in Bellmore, L.I. if interested, let me know



answers from Albany on

CONGRATULATIONS ON BEING A GRAMMA AND HAVING AN ADDITION TO YOUR FAMILY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I just LOVE it when addition is added to families. What great GIFTS from Jesus above!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GOD BLESS YOU ALL!!! I WILL BE PRAYING FOR YOU ALL TOO AND FOR YOUR HEALTH!!!!! ANY NEED AND HELP OR QUESTIONS CONTACT ME...............



answers from New York on

You can try a loose braid at night so when she wakes up it's not all over the place.



answers from New York on

I have struggled with the broomhilda condition all my life, ha ha. Try spraying on and combing a detangler through her hair with a wide tooth comb while it's still wet right after washing. It does help a bit, although with the summer humidity there is only so much you can do.
You can find detanglers in almost any store. Many of the cosmetics companies carry them too. I know Jafra carries one for kids called "tender moments hair detangler"

Good Luck!



answers from New York on

My daughter has the same problem so I just wind up putting it up or in a ponytail. This is all that has worked for us. I had the same problem as a kid also. Sorry I couldn't help more.



answers from Glens Falls on

Her hair actually sounds like my hair. Until this last year I have had to keep it at shoulder length because it gets so stringy looking by the end of the day. Now I'm actually wearing it longer and it looks fine. My suggestions would be to make sure her hair is cut even at the bottom (without being layered). Wash her hair in the morning instead of at night so she can go out without having to sleep on it. When she puts conditioner in her hair in the tub/shower have her comb it through before she rinses it. Once out of the tub or shower make sure you blow dry her hair. Last the spray in detanglers always made my hair look worse so I would avoid them. Hope this helps.

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