My youngest was born in 1999. I did EVERYTHING to lose the weight (40 pounds). NO really, I did. Atkins, Jenny, South Beach, Master Cleanse, you name it, I put my body through it. And yes, I did the exercise and diet routine. Nothing worked. I thought I was the biggest failure ever.
Why wasn't my body losing weight? Why couldn't I keep it off? Why was I destined to be fat? EVERYONE and exercise, I DID THAT! Eat "better" they said...I DID THAT! Restrict your calories they would advise...I DID THAT! OMG I couldn't stand it any longer. My child was now 7 and I still was carrying her "baby weight", how embarrassing. I really needed help but truly no one knew what to do. I went to my doctor… that was a joke SHE was about 50 pounds over weight. I went to the local “diet centers” I met people who have been going there for 5, 10 and even 20 years…they lost 30 pounds! (well they lost it then gained it back, then came back then lost it, they gained it back then…) OMG Are you kidding me?????
There had to be a better way…this was not what I signed up for. My friend showed me this:
AND FINALLY, FINALLY, I KNEW IT WASN'T ME!!!! It wasn’t completely my fault. But now that I knew what it was, it was going to be my fault if I didn’t take action.
So I jumped in. I got a full time coach (she came with the program AT NO COST), I put together my support team and we did it. (I wasn’t doing this alone…i asked 5 friends to join me and 3 did)
I started to feed my body instead of starve it. I started to listen to my body, "I'm hungry" did not mean go grad a cookie, it means "FEED ME SOMETHING GOOD". I learned what that means. Good meant vitamins, minerals and nutrients…the stuff I had been starving my body of for years.
OMG my life has changed. In just a few months I released over 40 pounds, yes RELEASED, I didn't lose it cause I never want to find it again...I released it! (I know that because that was 4 years ago) I have more energy, more clarity, more well days and OMG did I mention the energy?????? I have learned how to eat A LOT, how to feed my body so that my body will do exactly what it is supposed to do: have an abundance of energy, sleep soundly, think clearly, and be lean and healthy! OMG I never knew life could be this good.
And now, well now, my passion is to help others be successful and reach their own weight goals. PLEASE LET ME HELP YOU. I know what you are going through, I have been there.
There is a natural way to rid your body of excess weight and toxins. There is a way to feel good. There is a way to release weight and keep it off. There is an answer. When you take care of your body from the inside out, you will be so surprised with the results you get!
Please let me help you.
Family Wellness Coach