I have four boys who were binkie crazy. I waited until they were 4, then I cut the top off of it. I told them they could either hold it, or chew on the other end. Each one of them threw it out. I found waiting until they were older made it easier for them to understand. I don't know if there is any relevance to the "oral fixation" theories, but as sucking is a way of selfsoothing, I didn't want them to be looking for things to put in their mouths. A friend of mine took her daughter off the binkie when she was 2, and for the next year spent most of her time pulling clothes, socks, toys out of her mouth. She also starting sucking her thumb. I wasn't willing to go there. All my boys mouths' are fine, according to our dentist. Your son may not be ready to give it up. Is there really any reason that he should give it up?? If he hides or looks for his binkie, and is obviously upset, why stress him out? Why not stop now, and wait another couple of months, and see if you can take it away then if it bothers you so much. Because its obviously you that is bothered; not him. And if any of those old biddies tell you he should give it up now, because their children gave it up when they were 1, ask them how many of their kids turned to cigarettes, or drugs for self-soothing. My theory is if they don't get it out of their system when they are little, as soon as they find something to comfort them, they'll use that. But that's just me.
Good luck.