Definitly elevate the head of the bed your baby is sleeping in. This can be done with pillows under the mattress or even better with removing wheels at the bottom or some sort of prop under the legs of the bed. To keep the baby from slipping down to the bottom of the bed take a blanket and roll it up, put it under the sheet. It makes a little pocket for the baby so he won't slip down.
My son was an acid reflux baby and I had to elevate his crib for the first 7 months of life. He had a lot of pain from the acid reflux and so he is on Prevacid and Zantac. He made horrible noises in his sleep and my Ped didn't get it so I bought a little recorder and recorded him at night and played it for her and that really helped. You might try recording him at night and making the doctors listen to it.
As far as keeping food down, its really hard with acid reflux babies. Try to keep pressure off his tummy( tight waist bands, etc.) Keep him upright for at least 20 minutes after a feeing. Elevating his crib really helps. And just get used to doing a lot of laundry and changing his clothes several times a day. They usually grow out of it at around 9 months.
Oh some Moms say that putting cereal in their bottles or starting their baby on solid food early helped their babies keep the food down but that never helped with mine. When I started him on solid food he just starting spitting up in color. :)
When my baby gets congested I give him a decongestant that his Ped prescribed. You might ask your Ped to prescribe something. There is no reason for the little guy/gals to suffer needlessly.