I was diagnosed with MTHFR about 3 years ago and it really is not nearly as big of a deal as your OB has probably made it out to be. I was told at the time that I would have to be on blood thinners with any additional pregnancies because of the increased risk of clots and now have limited options for birth control for the same reason. However, with my last pregnancy, I ended up seeing a specialist (long story) and learned a lot more about the mutation. Basically, it is a B vitamin deficiency. Most doctors outside the OB world haven’t really heard about MTHFR and once they do know about it, they really aren’t concerned with it at all. Your body does not absorb the B vitamins like it should which causes the blood to clot easier IF you don’t get enough vitamins. This is also why they shove so much extra Folic Acid down your throat when you get pregnant again. The theory is that if you take more of it, your body will get what it needs. But just because you have the mutation does not automatically mean you are not getting enough B vitamins. There is a simple blood test that can be done along with your normal blood work to check your homocysteine levels. If the levels are normal, there is no need for the blood thinners or the high amounts of folic acid during pregnancy. Just be sure you are taking your prenatal vitamins before getting pregnant again and eating a healthy diet and you should be fine. The birth control will always be a problem though.
As for your little girl, the doctors should know that she possibly could have the mutation, but they really won’t do anything different for her when they put her under. The mutation really just isn’t something to worry that much about. As long as she is a good eater and not under weight or anything, she really shouldn’t have any problems. There are lots of other things to worry about other then this so you can mark this one off the list at least until she is older.
If you have any questions, feel free to send me a message and I will do my best to answer them. Good luck with the procedure.