I have a 3 1/2 yr old daughter and a 14mo old boy. My daughter was sooo addicted to the binkie. It was terrible. It drove me crazy. Every time she lost it in the middle of the night, she would wake up and come get me to find it. Finally, one day we just 'flew the binkies away to heaven' on helium balloons...what a relief!! she sleeps so much better now. I think i learned my lesson from my 3 year old daughter and we ditched my son's at the same time. He was just over one. In my opinion, the less time you have had a habit, the easier it should be to break. I would try letting him cry it out a little and see what happens. I hated being one of those moms whose kid was sucking on a binkie while speaking in complete sentences...ugh!! I think the sooner you ditch it the better. I kept telling my daugher we were going to 'fly' them away so she sort of would get used to the idea long before it actually happened. She did great. I think there is a window when it's easier to break their habit. My son was young enough and my daugher was old enough. My son hadn't really developed a habit yet and my daughter was sort of growing out of it, i think. So if i were you i would take advantage of the window while you have it. hope this helps you and good luck!!