I have a son that napped until alittle after 3 1/2 yrs and a daughter that was completly done with naps by age 3, so I think that kinda depends on the child. My question is this, does his dad spend very much quality or one on one time with him? He might be craving attention with his dad so much that it makes him act out when he is around. Also, if he is done with naps, there will be a "transition" period which can be pretty rough where he gets tired and cranky in the evening-aka the horror film, I know what you mean. When my daughter stopped napping so young, I let her watch a movie in the afternoon during her normal nap time for awhile until her body completly adjusted. After a month or so she was fine. If he is napping during the week with you, then I would keep it up and suspect that maybe he just needs alittle more daddy time.