Look into Baby Jogger models. The City Mini GT Single stroller has a maximum weight of 65 lbs. It doesn't list a maximum height on the website, but I'd guess it's more than 42" with such a high weight limit.
The City Elite has a 75 lb weight limit: https://www.babyjogger.com/city_elite_sngl_dtl.aspx
The Summit, which is a high performance jogger, also has a 75 lb limit: https://www.babyjogger.com/summitx3-sngl-dtl.aspx
The F.I.T. also has 75 lb limit: https://www.babyjogger.com/fit_dtl.aspx
I own a City Micro Double stroller and I'm really happy with it. I know a few other City Mini owners who are really happy with them. It's a good brand, easy to fold up and it fits pretty well in the trunk of most cars (I had no problem getting the double in my Accord). I highly recommend looking into the brand.
Good luck!