I have faithfully used Clinique since I was about 11. I am almsot 48 (this week, OUCH) and I still look early to mid 30's.
My 14 yr old daughter is also a faithful Clinique user.
I have used multiple Clinique products over the years, depending on my age and need. Right now I use the Repairwear Series Day and Night. Daughter uses the Acne wash to keep her skin clean and clear.
One thing I learned from my mom (She is 65 and passes for 50's) and I have passed on is FACE it FIRST and it is done faithfully EVERY morning and night with proper care.
The Clinique reps are very good, especially at Neimans, Saks, Nordstrom...and you CAN return any product that you feel does not meet your need. They do refund you if you are unsatisified with the product.
Good luck!