Mint and/or peppermint helps with naseau as well as ginger. You can do any or all of them as a tea, too.
For the past couple of weeks I have been dealing with a low grade nausea and over the last week has really affected my appetite. I had my daughter almost 15mo ago and have not had a period yet as I am still nursing. I took a pregnancy test, because I know you can ovulate before your period returns, and it was negative. I was just wondering if a shift in hormone levels can cause nausea, as I am only pumping on occassion and not every day that I work. Has anyone else experienced this? Also this has caused me to lose 3-4 pounds over the last couple of weeks.
still nauseous, so I will wait a day or two and take another test. Thanks to all that replied.
Mint and/or peppermint helps with naseau as well as ginger. You can do any or all of them as a tea, too.
i had the same problem. I took a pregnancy test and the first one came out negative. A month later i was still sick and still couldn't eat a thing. Took another test and it came up positive. Now I am 5 months pregnant with a 13 month old daughter. So keep an eye on how long you are sick and you may have to test again later. Good luck!
In nursing all three of my children I never experienced nausea when we were weaning. I would recommend waiting a week and taking another pregnancy test, if the nausea continues. I hate to say it but if you have been decreasing your nursing and not on any form of birth control you could very well be pregnant. With all three children as soon as I started decreasing the number of times we would nurse my period would resume.
Good luck
I would definitely talk to your doctor. In the meantime, try drinking ginger tea. It will really help the nausea. I have also heard that probiotics help keep the digestive system healthy. I wonder if you might have become allergic or sensitive to a food that you eat. Try to pay attention to how you feel shortly after eating, and you might be able to pinpoint a food culprit. I have experienced nausea during times that I was really stressed out too, so stress reduction methods may be of use, and cut out the caffeine if you drink it. Good luck!!
I didn't breastfeed but everytime I had nausea, I was pregnant.
First 3 months after my daughter was born, then 6 months after my second was born - although I had an IUD - I had nausea and took tests.
Both times they were negative and 2 weeks later they were positive.
I have been having the same problem with nausea and decreased appetite and I am post menopausel so I can't use the same excuses. I thought it had to do with some new medication I was on. Pills to stop smoking, and a new pill to help with my newly discovered diabetes. Talked to my physician who tried to lay it on the meds as well. Stopped the meds but still having the symptoms. Talked to some other people who are having the same problem. Virus is going around.
You could very well be pregnant. Only time will tell. However, I would personally behave as if I were pregnant just to be on the safe side. I never had positive urine pregnancy test; I always had to have a blood test done. And with my 5yo I had morning sickness and couldn't button my jeans before I was even one month pregnant.
Also, you could have a flu/virus or you might have irritated your stomach with a food you ate (that happened to my daughter and she had to take Previcid for 3 days). I would avoid tomota based products and fruits. See if that helps and eat things you would normally eat with a flu.
In a week or less I would call my OB GYN and ask for a blood test if you are still suffering from nausea. Best of Luck and I hope it is something simple :)
could be hormones, could be a low-grade stomach bug...you can talk to your doc and see what they think.
I knew breastfeeding wasn't a perfect means of birth control, but we weren't too careful and after getting my period back for 1 cycle, I got pregnant! Try another test in a few days.
Good Luck:)