I highly recommend you search for a Midwife - a CPM is preferable because they have to transfer care to a hospital is a cesarean is needed vs a CNM who can transfer you for any reason to the hospital. ICAN is a great resource - Internation Cesarean Awareness Network @ http://www.ican-online.org/
I had an intervention induced emergency cesarean with #1 in 2005. I'm having #2 at HOME as a VBAC with a Midwife practice that has both CPMs and CNMs. I'm very excited!
I trained as a nurse 5 years after my daughter's birth and did extensive clinicals at the OB hospital in which I gave birth. Not only was I horrified at the manipulation, scare tactics used, coercing, withholding the full disclosure of complications from interventions and the forcing onto Moms the interventions - but I also read my medical file while there. NOTHING they did was necessary to me - and I feel I could have had a less traumatic birth if I had never gone to the hospital.
I will never give birth with an OB or in a hospital again... unless my trsuted Midwife says it's serious and needs to be considered or done. Midwives are trained in the normal aspect of birth - not the surgical or pathological aspects. OBs aren't excited about normal births - plus they don't make as much money off of them as they do if you 'need' pitcoin (something forced on almost everyone regardless of need), epidurals, FHM (fetal heart monitor bands), internal monitors (these hurt and cause issues with cervical swelling), or their favorite - a cesarean!
***@ Meagan M***
Constant monitoring of the baby does nothing but cause panic. The fetal heart tones are SUPPOSED to decrease with contractions. Checking your blood pressure 1-2 times an hour would have easily caught your eclampsia. No Dr can legally go in with a cesarean for first birth scenario unless there are major medical issues with the Mother - they can lose their license - but plenty first time Mothers with normal pregnancies END with a cesarean that most likely could have been normal births if Mothers were encouraged to squat, walk around, get in a whirlpool or warm bathtub/shower, being allowed to eat to keep up energy, etc... all things hospitals and most OBs do not allow. If an OB charges $10-15K for a 'normal vaginal birth' and over $20K for a cesarean... when a Midwife charges $6000 for a vaginal birth including all labs, ultrasounds and post partum visits - - how can you say the OB isn't in it for the money?