Hi T.,
Is it possible her fingertips are peeling and she is responing to it by biting off the peeling skin?
Vitamin A deficiecny can cause fingertip peeling.
Reasons for deficiency:
Chlorine in tap water kills vit A (and B, C, E)
Not enough protien (protien is req'd for vit A binding)
Iron deficiency (iron helps Vit A metabolize)
Chronic diarrhea
*very low fat diet (fat is req'd for vit A binding)
chrones, celiac,or hyperthyroid
*ps...children need animal fats for vit A/they cant make the conversion from beta carotene. vit A: 1500 mcg day,(500 mcg should be retinol)
Vitamin B supports the central nervous system. deficiency can cause uneasyness, restlessness, nervousness, anemia, cracks and scaling on skin in various places.
best to take B complex drops 2 x DAILY under the tounge. Follow label for dose.
(Sugar depletes vit b stores. keep sugar ,carbs, juices to a minimum).
Don't forget that clorine filter on your tap.