Hi J.,
Please do not get worried!!! My daughter finally just weaned herself off of the bottle at 2 and a half years old. Did I get comments from family members? *YES* Did I get weird looks at the store? *YES* It was like these people thought I was the worst mom in the world. It got to be quite annoying.
But you know what??? My daughter never took a binkie; she doesn't have a woobie, or whatever you call it; and she doesn't drag a dirty old stuffed animal around (which are all fine by me, by the way).
She is TWO. She drinks out of sippies, and regular cups with or without straws all the time, but she took her bottle at nap time, at night, if she got hurt, and if she woke up in the middle of the night.
Did her teeth rot out of her mouth for falling asleep with her bottle in her mouth? *NO* Did her teeth/bite get negatively affected? *NO* Her dentist said she has beautiful, healthy teeth from all of the calcium she got from the milk she drank out of HER BOTTLE.
I don't know who created the age that children should lose the bottle, but I never had to worry about the anxiety of giving it up, or the 'bottle fairy' or any of that. She weaned herself when she was good and ready. So yeah, I am that terrible mom you may see at the playground because my daughter was on the bottle for 30 months of her life. BIG DEAL!!
She is the most secure, happy child I have ever met, and I owe a big part of that to letting her be a kid.
Good luck and don't stress!! When he is ready, he will give it up. It is not worth the stress of fitting him onto a specific timeline!!
And Cheerios rock too,