My 11 year old daughter is a drama queen over such things. I'll placate her in some instances, but when it becomes an issue of 'just get over it', I get a little more firm. I'll remind her of when she was fine just a few minutes ago and this new pattern of anxiety over nothing is not healthy. When gentle firmness hasn't been enough (and I'm absolutely certain there's nothing really wrong - or we'd be at the dr.), I'll sometimes have to get a little tough...telling her that lack of sleep for the both of us is making us more irritable and only causing her anxiety to heighten. And, by golly, if she can get one night of really good sleep, she and I will both feel better and will probably solve the whole thing. (In the back of my mind I stew that if I don't get a good night's sleep, her buns will not feel very good...but will breathe and let it go, knowing I just need a nap.) =)