Hi J., It sounds like you have the right idea to me. Your child probably does remember ceral associated with the pain. At 6 mo, you could diffenatly go on to something else. Are you following any kind of feeding chart? If so, just move on to the next recommendation. If you need help with that, I can look up one for you. My youngest in 3 1/2, so I don't remember off the top of my head what the next usual food comes next. However, there is a really good website by a pediatrician family. The man's name is Dr. Sears, he has really good books out and a website you can get a lot of good info on. I believe it is www.drsears.com, or askdrsears. Just try those, or google his name. But just give you child something else to eat, pears, bananas, something mild.
Everything will be fine :)
L., mother of 5