Amber H.
There is nothing wrong with letting your little one cry. basically it strengthens your childs lungs. It has been known they will cry them selves to sleep. Two days with trying to do so may not be long enough.
Try music and let him cry a way. They do have CD's out there to sooth the baby while sleeping. Possibly music can put him to sleep and keep him there in his own bed/room. Music or TV noises are good so when you have company they will sleep no matter what is going on. Make the little ones bed more special then mom/dad's bed/room.
You have him spoiled into sleeping with you. Nothing wrong with spoiling your children, after all they are your babes. Always keeping in mind that if you do some thing with your child the negative out comes as well. There are Pros/Cons to every thing.
We never baby talked to our children. Always speak plain out words with your babies. They learn to speak a lot snooner. Ready a story to him as your are putting him to sleep in his bed.
Rub his back until he falls a sleep. Pat his bottom as he lays there. Some times the movement will help to fall a sleep.
Some times that head security reminds him of being inside mother. Placeing some thing next to the top of his head like a soft toy, blanket.
Possibley the bed/room needs to be a cooler place to sleep. My sons were this way. My grand daughter seems to be this way. My grand daughter tells every one to close her bedroom door...she is a smart one to
You can spend the time in your childs room as to familuize your child's bed, room, security.... You can bring something new into your little ones life that only in his bed, room will find it. Do not take the new item out of his bed, only his bed will he find it.
Don't take your baby into your bed or room for any reason, this can actually be a NO, NO as you have found out. Keep your bedroom door shut at all times.
I found that my little one did not sleep well in his bed was do to it being to confind, not enough room, to warm, not enough air circulation. So as to put him in a larger crib to give him the room and air circulation he needed.
MOM craw into the crib with Just kidding. I done this when mine was in the hospital for a week and all he done was cried for me. So I craw in and played away with his toys and he was like he was at home. As far as sleeping never had that problem.
Not knowning the full issue with your little one. A lot of parents find it easier to just put the little one in bed with them and later finding it so hard to break them from the parents bed.
Many things you can try, but you have to be consistant with it. Potty training takes more then two days to train a child in. Breaking from a bottle, drinking from a cup, eatting with a spoon, walking, talking.... All takes more then two days to master it in.
You have had your little one in bed with you more then two days for him to get use to it and want more of it. It will take more then two days of crying to break or master your child from sleeping with mom/dad in your bed.
Another thought may be to place pillows around the little one if he is not rolling and crawling by now with out you sleeping with him on your bed. Do this for a while then eventually move him to his bed. It may be you and dad that is the problem of security. Don't know until you try. May take a veriatey of things to try. Make each one a worth lengthly try before going to some thing else. Be Patient with your little one. Took him 9 months to arrive.
All else fails speak with your doctor. You may find new ideas as well as the ones I have mentioned.
Please stay in touch as what will work for your little one.
Your mamasource sister,
S. F.