Trust your instincts. How much was the bill at olive garden for?? did he go down with a business associate or take a client out? Will he be reimbursed by the company. The fact of the matter is I have seen spam and it rarely asks you to meet up without some cheesey singels dating website or something like that. Trust your instincts, if you feel like something has changed it probably has whether it is on you or him. Re-evaluate your relationship and try having a conversation with him about how you feel. Try counseling if you want if you feel the relationship is worth it and you love him that much. Please don't make the mistake of staying with him because you have a child (not that I am saying you will but) it is worse on the child in that situation. I am sorry you hurt so badly. I wish you all the best and hope that your instincts are wrong. Good luck and god bless.