K., Welcome to summer vacation with children! There are many, many others in the same boat as you :)
First, your son's meds: yes, asthma meds definitely can make you hyper. I am over 30 and even one puff of my inhaler can give me the shakes and send my heart racing (I don't have to use it very often thank goodness). It sounds like your son has what my daughters have - colds/sinus induced asthma. It can also be called RAS - reactive airway syndrome. Take note of what triggers the colds/sinus issues and jump on them with OTC meds ASAP. If my girls start with the post-nasal drip (drainage down the throat) an asthmatic cough is sure to follow, so I dose with Benadryl and/or Sudafed right away. Works great! Last spring during allergy season they were on Sudafed for weeks, but it's better and cheaper than inhalers and Rx meds. Good luck controlling this - the good news is that he can grow out of it!
Second, tell your kids to go play! My mom used to kick us outside almost daily when we were kids. Of course, depending on the weather you may not be able to that, but banning them to the living room/ play room/ where ever for a few hours never hurts. If your daughter is independent enough to handle her brother's roughhousing (you said she likes to wrestle with him) then let them go. If either gets hurt, explain why they got hurt (You were jumping down the stairs, weren't you? Well, that's why you fell and hurt your knee.), apply ice/ bandage/what ever, and tell them not to do it again. If it was the sibling's fault, immediate apologies are in order. Then, shoo them off to play again. You know your kids are resilient and don't need constant supervision. This will also let them learn to work things out themselves.
Of course, they are 5 and 2, so tailor the above advice to their level. It may take time to get them out of your hair for hours at a stretch. And, sorry, you'll never get everything done that you want. That's just life as a mom!
Finally, I totally agree with Wanda's advice about a kid-free-day swap with a friend. I recently got into such an agreement with a girlfriend of mine and it was GREAT to have four hours to myself! My house was quiet! I was able to cash in a massage certificate I got for Christmas.. or was it my birthday?... I forget! :) Definitely get some time for yourself, and DON'T waste all of it on housework. If it's not during the day, maybe a night out with the girls. You need some grown-up time.
Plus, it can wear out your kids :)
Good luck and hang in there!