My Daughter Dosent Go Pee Unless I Tell Her HELP!!

Updated on February 05, 2011
M.B. asks from Yucaipa, CA
7 answers

My daughter is 7 and is in 2nd grade. Unless I tell her to go pee he will go all day with out going! What can I do to help her listen to her body and go when she needs to go? She hasent had this problem ever. But the past 5months I havee been watching her and making sure that she goes regularly.. Any adivce please.
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Thank you for Your ideas I will have to keep at it and reminding her.. :) I made a chart and no she isn't on any medication..

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answers from San Diego on

I would try the opposite of what you're doing - don't remind her at all. She will go eventually, and if she has an accident, I'm sure that would be the last one, because what 7 year old wants to pee her pants? She needs to think on her own at this age. Don't remind her for a week and see how it goes. What you're doing is "enabling" her, meaning she lets you take control, so don't do it, and let her take control of her own body. She can't hold it forever.



answers from Los Angeles on

My daughter is 11. She has always been that way. A couple of things to check
1. How much water is she drinking?
2. Is her pee smelly or a bright colour?
If her pee is a clear yellow and there is no odor or discomfort when she pees, then it could just be "her way". However if it is bright yellow with an odor, then she NEEDS to drink more water, add a pinch of sea salt to it or for the electrolytes NOT ANY OVER the counter sports drinks.

This could just be her way. Keep an eye on it. If she is not having accidents or any thing else from above, just let her be.

Family Success Coach



answers from Erie on

my 6 yr old is like that. in some weird way i see it as a power thing. I just try to get her into a routine like the other poster aid about going after meals, you could always ask the teacher to reinforce it at school.



answers from Dallas on

My 4 year old just started doing this after 1.5 years of being completely fine with going as she needed. Our aunt suggested building it into a routine. We do the food thing and it seems to be help and be less annoying than us just reminding her. We make her go before eating since she's in there to wash her hands anyway. Good luck.



answers from Las Vegas on

Is she on any meds? My back is out and I am on a lot of meds right now. I believe it is my back and sciatic nerve causing me not to feel the need to pee. But, like I said, I am on a lot of meds. I don't have the regular sensation to go, I have to lean forward and push the urine out, otherwise nothing. I am drinking plenty of fluids.


answers from Dallas on

Ha ha. Sorry, but I still have this issue and I'm 28. I will "hold" it all day until about 4pm and then realize that I haven't peed all day.
Unless she's having accidents I wouldn't worry too much. Try up-ing her water intake.



answers from Chicago on

We had the same issue when my daughter was 8. We just made a rule that after she eats she must go to the bathroom. Most schools allow the kids a bathroom break before or after lunch so tell her she needs to take advantage of that. My daughter didn't want to go at school because the kids who didn't have to go got to stay in the room for free time.

At home, in restaurants, whatever, we remind her that if she's eaten, she has to go to the bathoom. My daughter would hold it in and then pee her pants trying to get to the bathroom because then it was an emergency.

She's now 9 and she has no problems. It's now a habit for her to go after every meal. Hope that helps!

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