Your husband secretly or not so secretly loves this and whether or not he intends to, he is contributing to the problem. The same thing happened in our house with our older girl, as well as with our younger son. The problem as I saw it was that my husband, who is great fun to be around with kids, got to spend his time having fun with them while I did all the nutritious cooking, cleaning, discipline, activity planning and drudgery. My solution was to let him take on some of the grunt work, not by nagging and complaining, but by simply going somewhere else (I have a part time job). Then he was forced to at least cook lunch and deal with the kids for a fairly long period of time (long enough to get aggravated and have to discipline). When I came back, it was my turn to be the fun parent who could play Barbies and make an origami bird. This went a long way toward making me less resentful, him more sympathetic, and our kids more appreciative of both parents. By the way, your children will love both of you equally, even if for different reasons. And they need the discipline and predictable routine that you provide, including the not-so-fun things, like carrot sticks and tooth brushing.