my daughter was like this, i would & still do talk to her constantly, like if you're doing dishes tell them what they are when you are putting them in the dishwasher, etc. also teach them patience, little by little. like the first time you are doing it & he starts crying then start talking to him & asking him to be patient & tell him what you are doing & keep doing what you are doing, for a few minutes (like 3-5) then after that few minutes stop what you are doing & give him five or so minutes of undivided attention, then start back up again. after awhile up the time that you keep working after he starts to cry. that way they will learn that you will come back to them but it is important for you to get things done too.
it's not easy & it takes lots of time (for kids to learn patience) but it will happen eventually. this things have worked for me & i hope they will help you, but even if they dont, try other things bc everyone is different! & different things work!