Having had filed bankruptcy several years ago, and knowing so much more about finances now, I would STRONGLY encourage you both to educate yourselves on the options you have outside of bankruptcy. If you are not familiar with Dave Ramsey, get to know his financial freedom and debt elimination strategies NOW. To check him out immediately, go to www.daveramsey.com Click on "Tools" and "How to Get Out of Debt" His book, Financial Peace, will help you understand that bankruptcy is very RARELY the best way out of your financial nightmare. I call it that, because that is what it seems like, but once you understand that you can get your credit card companies, banks, etc. to stop calling so you can focus on getting your money straight, rather than focus on avoiding the phone calls, you will be able to get everything straight. If you're not a reader, his website can teach you the tools you need, too. Also, remember that bankruptcy attorneys are doing their job. They will tell you this is your only option. Debt Consolidations and Consumer Credit Counseling is not an option either. You and your boyfriend need to do this together without putting you financial future in someone else's hands, who is making their living off of your financial troubles. WWW.DAVERAMSEY.COM I hope this helps and will be praying for you and your boyfriend. Good luck in this journey toward financial freedom!!!