I agree with the other two posts. I think it is probably the normal hair loss babies go through, but you might want to ask her doctor just to be sure.
My 9 month old daughter is losing her hair at the top. I have notice that she pulls it a lot. Is there a medical reason for her pulling it, or is she just doing it because their. My other question is what can I do to make it grow back?
I agree with the other two posts. I think it is probably the normal hair loss babies go through, but you might want to ask her doctor just to be sure.
Many infants lose the hair they are born with, but it will grow back. Sometimes they are born with blond hair and it grows back dark. Sometimes they are born with curly and it grows back straight, and vice versa. I wouldn't be too concerned. I'm sure she's just pulling on it because it's there.
This is very typical. They lose that fluffy newborn hair for what I call "real hair" They all do it. It's kind of funny to look back because my son looked like an old balding man for a while. He lost it off of the top and front, so he just had it over his ears and in the very back. Those poor kids. :o) It'll grow back but it will be much stronger hair like what we have rather than the more peach fuzz type texture. That's when my son got his wave in his hair. It was straight before, and my husband and I both have wavy. He finally has our waves now.
I am not a doctor, but I myself have a nervous disorder called Trichotillomania. This can be mild, just playing with hair or pulling out a few strands (this is where I am) or severe--leaving major bald spots. It is similar to nail biting, a habit you don't even realize you are engaging in. My daughter (now 2), and a large part of my family, has been playing with and twirling their hair since birth, I am the ONLY one that pulls at all. It could be simply she needs/wants something to do with her hands or she is exploring. She may also just be losing her hair like many babies, only to have it grow in with "permanent" hair. If it is a major concern, ask her pedi.
Hi L.,
Take your daughter to a dermatologist ASAP! There is a medical term for that, but since I'm not a dr. I don't know what that would be.
Best wishes!