She's only 7. That's very young.
This is what is reasonable to do with a 7 year old:
1. Read to and with her for 20 minutes every night. If you read to her, it will partially take care of her need to be babied, and it is VERY IMPORTANT for kids' education to be read to by their parents. The best way to ensure educational success is reading to your child.
2. After reading, do NOT check her for comprehension (understanding). Reading should be enjoyable, it should not be a test. Talk about what you are reading while you are reading. "So it says that the bunny found the carrot 'delicious' - that means the bunny thought the carrot really tasted good.' "I wonder what the bunny is going to do when he finds out the fox ate the rest of his carrots?"
3. Do not reward her with chocolate, or with anything. None of what you are describing has anything to do with chocolate and rewards are irrelevant to what your daughter needs.
4. It's completely normal for a 7 year old to like mommy lying with her for a few minutes at bedtime. When she is 13 and doesn't want you to do it any more, you will miss it. When you lie down with her, do it for 15 or 20 minutes, you don't need to do it for 30 minutes. While you are lying down with her, TALK to her and LISTEN to her. Then when the 15 or 20 minutes is up, give her a kiss and say, "Okay sweetie, it's bed time." Give her a night light. Leave the bedroom door open, if that's what she wants. I don't understand why you think the door has to be closed. I always kept my kids' doors open a crack. And kids commonly want night lights.
5. When she is talking about her feelings, MIRROR her emotions. That means if she says she is sad, or scared, or whatever, say something similar like, "I know it makes you sad when mommy doesn't listen." Or, "I know sometimes it's scary when it's dark at night." And maybe if she's telling you that you don't listen, you should listen to her more.
6. I get the feeling that you are lecturing her and trying to talk her out of her feelings too much, instead of nurturing her. Once you mirror her emotions and give her some of what she wants by mirroring her emotions, she will probably stop being so needy. People don't like it when other people try to talk them out of their feelings. Even mature adults don't like it.
7. When your 7 year old is in bed, you can then spend time with your 12 year old. He should have a later bedtime than your daughter.
However, neither you nor dad should be indulging her so much that you are spending hours with her at bedtime. It's not good for her. I and my husband probably spent 15 or 20 minutes each with our kids at bedtime, and then it was lights out. If your husband keeps giving in to her whining and spending hours with her, that's not healthy. She needs her sleep. Decide on a bedtime for her, and then you and husband between the two of you should spend 1/2 hour with her beforehand, reading to her and chatting. And then quietly and lovingly tell her it's bedtime.
Talk to her teacher about her issues at school.