If she's sleeping at night, I wouldn't worry about the day. Four 1 hour naps sound good to me for a six month old. My six month old girl only takes one 1 hour nap and sleeps through the night with one feeding. My older son usually had three 1 hour naps & one 2 hour nap at this age. Each kid is different. I think children this age are supposed to need 14-18 hours of sleep in a 24 hour period. So you're right on target. I've always thought, too, that if you put the child in the crib, and it's quiet, and you tell them it's nap time, then you've done your job. Now it's up to them to sleep. That's their job. If they don't sleep, then maybe they weren't tired. If your daughter won't nap but seems sleepy, maybe she should have an earlier bedtime.