I actually do not think that it is stress at all and you shouldn't feel guilty about not being at 100%. It was a short amount of time and you were taking care of something very important. As long as your child was well taken care of during that time, held, fed, changed etc. you should not feel bad about being distracted with a very stressful and unavoidable situation. I actually don't think it is teething either, however it is a possibility. My guess is actually that it might be acid reflux. Since it is only happening at night, which is when acid reflux is usually the worse because we are laying down. Since you have recently weaned her, she has obviously had dietary changes that could be contributing to any reflux or upset stomach. Not to mention, she may be angry because she wants to nurse. IF you feel that bad about weaning her, then start nursing again. If you let her suckle, your milk will come back and if you have trouble geting it to come back, your doctor can prescribe you some meds to make it come back in. Those are the things that I would consider. I personally think that I would take her to the doctor to see if he can help you figure out what is wrong. There is no sense in spinning your wheels and not figuring out what it is when the doctor can probably put his finger on it pretty quickly. Your baby could also have a mild ear infection which could display these symptoms that you are describing. The ear infections hurt most when laying down at night due to the change in pressure in your ears. I think it is worth a trip to the doctor just to have her ears checkec, discuss reflux and maybe starting nursing again. Just some thoughts, take them or leave them. However, it would probably get you all back on a sleep schedule faster if you let the doctor help!