Hi S., I understand it is very upsetting for both you and your child to have the eczema esp. on their eye. I know because my son developed what I like to describe as an allergic Eczema on his arms and legs many years ago. There are many things that cause eczema and sometimes the remedies can add to the cause. So here are some helpful tips:
1. Avoid dairy, acidic foods (oranges, tomatoes, pineapple etc.) eggs, and peanut butter, French fries, margarine, donuts, hydrogenated oils, and SUGAR. This IS hard, when kids are young these are all the things they love and are easy for them to eat. If they can't avoid them, just try to really limit them.
2. Avoid lotions and creams with Lanolin.
Even moms and dads should avoid lanolin if they hold and come in contact with the child. I did use Hydrocortisone, but again very sparingly. Many people do not know these have side effect like thinning of the skin and loss of pigmentation. I was introduced to Shaklee's organic baby products which contain NO chemicals, parabens, lanolins, talc or mineral oils.
3. Use laundry detergents that are free of fragrance, dyes, and chemicals.I was introduced to the Shaklee Get Clean products and use only them. Some people think they can just use it to wash the child's clothes, but what they do not know is that the other detergents leave a residue in the washer, which can end up on the child's clothing. Then be sure to wash everything that would come in contact with the skin. For example, bedding, blankets, towels etc.The cost is actually cheaper when broken down...Shaklee's Non-Toxic cleaners contain no chemicals or irritants.
4. Remove all chemicals from your home. This may some weird to someone unfamiliar with Shaklee so let me explain. Many of the everyday cleaners we use contain harmful chemicals that can irritate the skin.
For example, if you use a floor cleaner that contains bleach and the child is playing on that floor the residue
from the cleaner will end up on his skin. There are "Over 150 chemicals found in the average home have been linked to allergies, birth defects, cancer, and psychological abnormalities. (Source: Consumer Product Safety Commission) Again you will also be saving your family $200 to $300 a
year just by switching brands.
5. When giving your child a bath, try to use to coolest water possible. The heat will bring out the rash even more. Be sure to use a cleanser that is at a perfect ph. I recommend using organic Baby products. When finished, lightly towel dry leaving the skin moist and immediately apply moisturizer. This will help to lock in moisture.
6. One of the most important is a supplementation program. A child with eczema is having a problem with the conversion of EPA, DHA, and GLA into prostaglandins.
If you would like additional information, please do not hesitate to contact me.
These and other recommendations worked for me and now I am happy to share them with you.
R. R.N.