Get her some childrens motrin cold FROM BEHIND THE PHARMACY counter, the other stuff on the shelf is junk, jsut ask the doc! get some saline nose spray (simply saline for babies at the cold and flu section) and get puffs plus with lotion for her little nose and put clear chapstick on the nose and upper lip each wipe. Just dealt with a nasty cold with my whole family, we all needed meds and all had a sinus infection, daughter on 15 days worth on antibiotics.. so if it lingers more than 2 WEEKS call the doc. Not before then unless a high fever or severe coughing. If she starts to cough and it is dry but barking (croup sound, not phlegmy) sit in the bathroom with the door shut and the HOT WATER blasting, so the steam fills the room. stay in there atleast 10 min, 20 if you can brave it. The steam will help quiet her (give the cold meds too, to help her sleep!) You can do this until the phlegm starts loosing up and her cough sounds wet. Always call the doc if you feel you should, but dont ask for meds until 2 weeks pass. We were clear across the country (live in NY were in Seattle, WA) when my daughter devoloped this terror of a summer cold. Good luck, my heart is really with you!!!