First, the TV in his room has to go! Second, what ever TV time he gets at his new daycare has to count towards his total tv time a day. 2hrs of tv for a toddler is more than enough and I don't even know very many 20 month olds that could sit and watch 2 hrs of straight tv either. My 2 1/2yr old can't. You say he smiles at you and still won't pay attention-he is playing a game with you!! It is his way of controling the situation by not giving you what you want. You can't force him to sit down and learn. That could put a bad taste in his mouth for learning later down the line. Incorporate learning with his toys and playing. If he is playing with cars, talk about the colors, the different parts, their shapes, etc.
As far as his fit throwing when he doesn't get his way. Ignore, ignore, ignore. Don't even look at him until he stops. Just make sure he is in a safe place of the house if you leave him but more than likely he will follow you through the house. If ignoring the fit doesn't help, you can start teaching him time outs by either putting him in a chair in a room or sitting him on his bed till he quiets down.
Good luck and get this straightened out now other wise when he is older and watching too much TV, you'll have a older child that can put up a bigger fight on your hands!!
PS, get him off the Tv habit, and you might notice his talking pick up and improve.