I would try an over the counter hydrocortisone cream. but call the Doctor anyway and see what they say.
I dont know exactly what they are but about two weeks ago I noticed a pimple looking bump on my daughters left arm. Then last night I saw that it had spread. She has the one on her arm still, one on her left leg, 5 on her left side of her tummy, and two on her face! They're clear/white bumps, no redness, so Im pretty sure its not chicken pox. Im just really weirded out and worried now that its spreading. Has anyone else seen this before on their children?? Any advice on what I should do about them? Im waiting for the pediatrician to get off lunch to call them and see what they say, but thought maybe someone on here has seen this before and could give me some advice. Thanks!
I took Sarah to the dr and found out that they are a type of viral wart. She could have gotten the first one by contact from someone else having them and they just spread, but will eventually go away on their own in time. (They could be removed but its painful and why go thru pain when theyll go away on their own) Thank you all for your suggestions and advice!
I would try an over the counter hydrocortisone cream. but call the Doctor anyway and see what they say.
it sounds like what my daughter had called contact dermatitis(sp?) its an allergy have switch detergents or fab. softeners. or are ther areas that she has them in contact w/ clothing that is moist for any length of time. My daughters dr recomend benadryl but I would contact your dr before medicating good luck
It is probably muluscum (I'm not sure how to spell it...) but its like a wart. PER my pediatrician every kid gets them...my kids had them on their face and tummy and my adult sister ended up getting them too! (I guess she'd never had them when she was a kid.) But they do go away...but it takes about a year!
I'm curious...what did you find out???
my son has ecsema and when it first appeared it looked like little pimples that spread. so try some regular lotion for a couple days and see it that helps.
I know that you have heard from your doctor but I thought I'd tell you that my daughter had the same thing when she was about 1 or 2 years old.
She got them in clusters on her hand and tummy it was weird and ugly. It bothered me but not her.
They lasted for about a year or so them all the sudden they popped or bursted and clear stuff came out. She has a couple of small scars but they have never come back.
Could they be insect bites or hives? I've seen kids with bites that sound like yours in homes that are clean and so no one expected them to be caused by bugs. My granddaughter has sensitive skin and gets bumps every once in awhile. If you've changed detergent or bath soap, gotten new bedding or pjs they could be hives. Both bites and hives itch, tho, and you didn't mention itching. Cortizone cream helps, especially with hives.
What did the dr say?
my daughter is 7 and also has this, I counted them the other day & she had 80 of them all over her arm & chest & tummy. (she use to have only 7) I believe she was itching them and they were spreading. I started putting cortezone cream on her at night time & then wrapping her arm w/ an ace bandage to keep her from itching them. She has had them for a year now & they just started itching (the dr. said it happens in the stage right before they go away).
So I guess my advice on this is to be sure she doesn't itch them or they will get red, infected & pussy looking and they will spread & start new ones.
My doctor also recomended giving her benedryl or clariton to help her with the itching.
Hi J.! At first I thought it sounded like chicken pox but the first bumps that appeared on your daughter should have turned red and crusted over by now. It could be a little bacterial infection or a reaction of some sort. Is she running a fever? Have you switched laundry detergents? J.