My son went through this, so we tried the Target version of Robeez with socks on all the tiem. It got him used to having something on his feet all the time and he transitioned a lot better to actual shoes when the time was right.
what can I do? he has never worn any, and now that he is trying to walk, I bought him a pair. he screams and cries, as soon as they come off he is fine. we have tried many different types of shoes, and everytime he screams!Am I the only mom With a barefoot BABY?
My son went through this, so we tried the Target version of Robeez with socks on all the tiem. It got him used to having something on his feet all the time and he transitioned a lot better to actual shoes when the time was right.
Hey J. my 15 month old used to hate wearing shoes. Every pair I would buy he would scream over. I finally bought him a pair of soft walking shoes and he started to get used to them. Now he loves wearing his shoes. If he wants to go outside he will go grab his shoes or sandlas so we can put them on. It is a tough thing to get kids used to, but eventaully you will. Just hang in there. My son also loves wearing everyones shoes. He tries to take my house slippers off when I am in them. I used to not let him, but his doctor said to let him wear them while i'm with him and it may help him want to wear is own shoes.
I tried really soft shoes, like moc's and also sandals (with socks, even) and that worked when I went through this. Good luck!
my 3 yr old still to this day doesn't like shoes. when we go out to stores, everytime we get into the car he takes his shoes off and i have to put them back on again when we get to the other store. as soon as we get home the shoes come off, and his pants, he doesn't like to wear anything but a shirt and underwear at home, and sometimes he won't even wear a shirt. when we started putting shoes on him it had to be soft bottom shoes. he didnt like the hard bottom ones. now his favorite shoes are flipflops. i had to go to a surf shop to get them. they have a strap on the back to keep them on, reef makes them. he has really wide feet. in tennis shoes i had to buy stride rite, extra wide. and now even with the flipflops his little toe kindof hangs of the side. i really don't have any advice, just that your not alone, his speech therapist does want to have him tested for sensory awareness, and i'll be getting that done soon. good luck.