You say she won't take formula. Will she take a bottle at all? If not, and if the issue is being hungry, my nephew refused bottles and they tried a baby-geared sippy cup at about 6 months and it worked. You might try that.
However, I suspect it's more about comfort, or else she would take a feeding in some other form. You mentioned weaning and having her sleep on her own. I would not try to accomplish both at the same time - too much upheaval. Maybe try a staged process. Nurse her to sleep in her crib for a few weeks. Once she is used to her crib, start the bedtime weaning process. You could even feed her, and then if she's asleep, just talk gently to her for a few minutes as she sleeps, keeping her slightly connected with the "waking" world. Therefore, you're creating an "activity" AFTER the last nursing of the day. Over time, the activity could increase and then you're not nursing her to sleep anymore. By then, she might be ready to stop nursing.
Honestly, I didn't have the same problem, but I chose to wean at a little over a year because my son was very distractable (learning to walk, talk, etc. and there was so much to do) and not very interested in sitting down to nurse. If you don't mind continuing for a little while, you would wait for an opportunity to wean when she is in a stage like that. I chose to do it that way because it was a time when he didn't care. Therefore, he didn't cry for it. There was too much else to do!
Good luck!