Hi C., My daughter went through a similar thing. She was older though, almost 3. She would throw a fit if she didn't get her way. I was so stumped as well. Then I started to just pick her up when she was acting like that and I put her in her room and shut the door. I would hold the door shut so she could not get out, and at first she would scream and cry in fear, I would talk nice and ask her if she was ready to behave. She would say yes, and beg me to let her out, I would and I would hug her and tell her that she cannot act like that. This really worked for me because every time she would start I would pick her up and begin to take her to her room, and she would immediatly stop. Then she just gave it up all together. A lot of people say to use a time out chair, however my daughter would not stay and it would not upset her enough, I had to use her room because she would have to stay in there by herself, and that she hated. If your daughter is only 1, then I would put her in her crib for 2 minutes. I would just ignore her when she hits you, she is looking for a reaction, and just pick her up and place her in her crib, or some where else and make her stay for 2 min. Don't make to much of it infront of her because the more reaction she gets the more she will do it. Everytime she does it just explain in a nice voice that you are hurt and that now she needs to have a time out to think about what she has done, and that it is completely unexceptable to hit any one. Hope this helps, Happy New Year.