S.- I'm afraid that banging is what it's all about for a 1 year old. It will pass.
You can try to re-direct it by allowing him things and a time to bang (you could even do it together-"band time!"). Place bowls or pots and pans on the kitchen floor and give him a wooden or plastic spoon to go at it! Or buy some toys specifically for pounding, that have a plastic hammer (maybe they're for older kids...). Sing a song as he bangs along. But when it's time for eating, then it's "no bang" time. If he does, take the spoon away for 10 seconds, and give it back saying, "no bang". Every time he bangs with a spoon take it away and firmly, calmly tell him "no bang". When meal time is over, give him some banging toys and allow, or encourage, him to bang. He'll learn soon enough. But you've got to set limits of when it's OK to do it, and when it's not, and stick to them, no matter how hard he cries. Crying is their secret weapon. You have to hold out and be stronger. Tough, I know, but it'll be easier to do it now than when he's older and having a tantrum in the middle of the grocery store. Get yourself a set of headphones to wear if it makes you too crazy, but it will go away!