Hi Amy Jo, I am not a doctor or a specialist by any means. I am just a mom like you who had MRSA in our home via our son who was 6 at the time. Fortunately we did not have any spreading to the rest of the family and my son was able to stay MRSA free after a very long round of oral antibiotics, 5-6 weeks of a sulfur based. I read so much about it and considered myself a germ warrior for many months. I took a different approach then many. I decided not to use a lot of antibacterial products on our bodies. When my son had the actual infection we used an antibacterial soap just in the area that had the "break out". We skipped the bleach baths and tried the route of building up our own healthy bacterias to fight of the "bad" ones. We ate healthy and added pro biotics to our diets. We ate tuns of turmeric and also took turmeric tablets, because I heard it helps fight off and push out infections. As far how I dealed with our stuff, that was a whole different story. While I didn't want to use antibacterial stuff on our bodies, you bet your but I bleached the heck out of any hard surface. I washed our clothes, towels, ect in the hottest longest settings after every use. I wiped down the bathroom, light switches, door handles, constantly. I never considered the carpet. Maybe you could spray it with Lysol and let it sit, then go over it with the carpet cleaner. as far as tea tree oil. It is very effective against all strains of staph but it needs to be the good stuff, full strength, not diluted cheap stuff from the drug store. Maybe your beneficial bacterias a chance to replenish themselves. I wish your family the best of luck. Lots of yogurt, turmeric, and hand washing. I'm not a tree hugger either, lol .
- L.