Hi M.,
Your son and mine are seperated twins! Organizational nightmares!!
James is an "A" student - he understands all the material, gets A's on all his assignments (the ones he turns in) and aces almost every single test. BUT, he's gotten A couple D's on his report card-- ALWAYS from missing work that I KNEW he'd completed!! He just didn't turn it in, because he couldn't find it, or he left it at home-- and our son's school only give 50% for late work, too, just like yours.
We had a parent teacher conference, during which, his teachers gave us a list of all the missing assignments. And I KNEW he'd done the work, because when I looked at the worksheets or textbook pages, I recognized them from when he'd ask for help. So my husband started digging through his backpack-- wrinkled and smashed papers, crushed at the bottom under all his books. Then we searched his locker-- same thing, a pile of papers crushed at the bottom of his locker. Between his backpack and his locker, we found EVERY, SINGLE assignment. It's so frustrating, because he's DOING THE WORK, and not getting credit for it, because he isn't turning it in!
So we've done two things... first to help with organization, and second to motivate.
For better organization, he has a little notebook he HAS to take to every class, so he can write down all homework assignments. Then, each night when he completes his homework,
he has to show it to me or Dad, AND put it in a certain "homework folder", that he ALSO takes to every class. Then, once we see that it IN the folder, and IN his backpack, then we check it off his list in the little notebook.
For motivation... you have to find something he wants, and dangle it in front of his face!! :) I told him he'd get an extra dollar each week for his chores if he got all his homework turned in that week. (They get a weekly "deficiency report" if they have missing assignments).
So far, it's working. Hopefully, after an entire quarter of the daily routine, writing assigments in the notebook, making sure it's in the folder, checking it off the list, turning it in, it will become second nature and mommy and daddy won't have to be on him about it every night, and he'll do it on his own!
Best wishes!