More Disney Questions!!!

Updated on March 29, 2007
S.G. asks from Allen, TX
5 answers

First, thank you to all of the moms that responded to my Disney Dilemma!!! One more for ya!! We are going to have 2 kids that around 2 when we go but we don't want to have to rent a double stroller at every park!! Any ideas?? Also, if you have one, or know someone that does have a double stroller that is in good condition, would you consider "renting" it to us? I know that sounds weird but I just can't buy a double stroller to use for one week!
:( Well, thanks again ladies!!

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answers from Dallas on

I have a extra one that you can rent. Please contact me. I am so glad that you decided to go:)




answers from Dallas on


You do not have to rent a stroller at everypark. Once you pay for it in the morning it's valid for any park you go to for the whole day. UYou leave your stroller at the park and go to the next one to pick up another. JUST ONE FEE. We brought our double stroller and ended up renting because it's a BIG HASSEL when you take the monorail. You can't just roll the stroller up (like we thought). You have to take both children out and fold the stroller completely up before you get on the shuttles or the monorail.
You'll want a stroller there is so much walking. Use the park stroller, they have sun shades for both seats and are very roomy. Let me know if you have any more questions.




answers from Dallas on

Have a great time! If you do rent the strollers at the parks, rent them by the week, they're cheaper that way. I love the park strollers, they're easy to push and lots of room.



answers from Dallas on

We were just there in February and rented a double stroller. We paid for a week up front so we saved some money. The strollers were great! Roomy and easy to push and turn. I had heard of people getting their strollers stolen there so we didn't take our own. If someone walks off with the rented stroller, you just take your ticket back to the stroller place and they give you another one, no questions. We also didn't use all of our days, so we already have stroller tickets for next time we go. They never expire!



answers from Dallas on

If you go on the disney, they have blogs about people doing stroller sharing/renting together. It's a big thing there with moms of little ones. Hope it helps. We leave in 33 days! It's cheaper to rent the stroller on a weekly basis than daily, I know that. When are you going? Maybe while we are there?

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