HI A.,
I just wanted to give you a different perspective on the toddler bed. When my daughter was exactly your son's age, we took down the crib and transitioned it to the "toddler bed"--it was one of those cribs that changes into a toddler bed and then into a regular bed. She got up numerous times during the night when she slept in the toddler bed. We barely got any sleep. Finally we took down the toddler bed, changed it into the big bed and put it against the wall with a bed rail on the side. She slept much better in that. For some reason she just didn't like sleeping in the toddler bed--I think she thought of it more as a play space which made her stay up. My son did the same thing when he went through it. You may have to try some things with your son to see what his preference is. Good luck! --A.