I wouldn't panic, but I would get in to see that doc asap. They will do blood work to check your thyroid, a metabolic panel, your RBC,WBC, and neuts will be on there and that will tell you if you have an infection and can be a direct indicator of cancer. They will check you hormone levels too. Once they've cleared the bloodwork, which can usually tell you a lot, if there is nothing wrong with that, then worry about oddities such as parasites. It's amazing what they can tell from taking enough blood and more than likely (hopefully) it's the hormones and they can switch you to something that agrees more with your body. I have to get bloodwork done each month due to meds to check my organs and just about anything seems to show up in your blood one way or another. If that doctor is not thourough, please see another doctor for a second opionion because either way, what you are experienceing is not normal or comfortable for you and needs to be fixed. You deserve to feel healthy.