I have taught at a Christian school. You WILL NOT get some of the religious instruction/guidance and a charter or public school that you do at Christian schools. We pray before snacks (when I taught preschool), had Bible stories -talked about looking to God for guidance, strength, etc. vs. "it's all about me - self -esteem".
God is tied into science & geography - God created the earth, etc.
We had guidelines as teachers that required certain things in our preparation as well as how situations and circumstances are/were handled with the kids. These guidelines talk about what GOD wants us to be and how we should behave based on what the Bible says vs. just stopping the behavior.
We had kids apologize and maybe even pray together, based on the situation. We allowed each child to find their true gift and potential that God had given them. We talked ALOT about choices and consequences - good or bad.
In my opinion, based on what I experienced as a teacher and the program in which I taught, there isn't even any close comparision to a public school.
Might want to VISIT the school and/or classroom. Talk to the director and/or principal to find out what is required of the teachers as far as cirriculum, how problems are handled, how they guide and teach, as far as Christianity is concerned. Do your homework. Schools are different, but I know there is a waiting list where I taught.....and for good reason! Full background checks on teachers as well as training to make sure all the teachers are "on the same page" with specific issues, yet allowed to teach with their own personality, gifts. etc.
I was told by the director that I taught more cognitive skills to the 3's and 4's than any other preschool teacher. I was allowed to do that but knew that there were certain things ALL the 3's did, etc. It's worth talking to parents whose kids attend there and talking to staff, etc.