At 10 months absolutely everything is an educational toy. At that age they are learning constantly, no matter what they're playing with. If you spend a little time pointing out things like colors while he play, that's what he needs. Toys that are specifically "educational" are generally expensive. Forget them and let your little one explore.
I would particularly steer clear of media-type things (computer games, videos). Any passive entertainment before the age of 3 wires kids brains differently. Creativity and the ability to attend are compromised and you run the risk of your child being ADD. They're even saying that "Baby Einstein" and "leapster" are bad for kids. In fact, the more low-tech at this age, the better.
Don't stress too much over it. Let your child play, give him a little time with you and a little time by himself. Self-guided play is the best way to develope creative thinking skills.