I would call your insurance agent and talk to them.
Here is a scenario I experienced...
I was in an accident years ago that i was the one hit from behind in PA.(other driver was not licensed, driving a car he did not have permission to, and the car was out of regestration and inspection) And even though we were not injured enough to justify paying out of OUR pocket for an ambulance ride to the hospital (no insurance and we would have been charged close to a grand for the ride EACH) we were driven to the ER by my mom. I was in pain for a while after that and my sister who was preggers and her then 1 yr old were also evaluated. Because of my sisters pregnancy they could not xray her hand which thankfully ended up NOT broken but hurt like gehenna.
There were multiple claims since there were multiple people. Our lawyer told us that until ALL of our medical came back as being good (sisters baby delivered and healthy, my seeing a chiropractor, etc) that they would not even enter the claim.
It can take a while...
My question to you is was this second person listed as being in the car on the police report?
The insurance companies will investigate and will prove or disprove any claims. Its why we pay for them. :-) If it is a personal suit then you should get a lawyer... Otherwise get ahold of your insurance rep and discuss it with them to see what your next step should be.