Call the dentist now.
If it is an abscess, it could permanently damage the tooth and needs immediate treatment.
my son is 5 and has a permanent molar coming, lower left 5th, but there is a eruption cyst or abscess on it. no fever, no pain.
1.) will it go away?
2.) Is this an eruption cyst or an abscess which one?
3.) is amoxycilin neccessary?
the gum itself is normal color just a little bit bigger. the cyst/abscess is mostly red, little bir brown, there is little white on top (pum I guess)
Call the dentist now.
If it is an abscess, it could permanently damage the tooth and needs immediate treatment.
I looked at your pics...I wouldn't be overly alarmed as I saw many similar things when my kids were getting molars. However, I would make an appointment to see a dentist if the tissue doesn't clear up after the tooth is in or if there is a lot of pain and/or fever.
I frequently saw white-ish tissue at the eruption point, and in fact had several molars that didn't completely cut through the tissue sack and had large fluid/blood filled sacks that were pretty scary looking. The dentist said the tooth/chewing would eventually break the sack, but he drained them anyway. In my experience, the process of getting teeth can look bad, but it seems to be part of the process. Good luck.
Without looking at the links, YES, an antibiotic is necessary with an abcess and I bet it is with the pus.
It's best that you take him to a dentist, they can tell you if it's an eruption cyst or an ascess. My younger daughter had an eruption cyst when she was a baby, it was there before the tooth came in and looked blue. I had no idea what it was but the dentist verified that it was an eruption cyst. If it's an abscess you don't want to mess around with that so take him to be seen.