I doubt that you would have ovulated that early, but you never know! I have switched my start days on the pill by delaying the new pack for a day or two at a time (the doctor told me that shouldn't change the effectiveness of the birth control and it hasn't). 3-1/2 days may be pushing it a little. I think they say that you need to be on the pill for one week before it is effective (when you start the first time). Starting 3-1/2 days late may make you like a "new starter" so you may not be "protected" that first week on this new pack. So, all that to say, I would guess that you probably will not get pregnant, but there are no guarantees! Plenty of people get pregnant even while taking the pill consistently! I would get some early response pregnancy tests and start checking!
these test strips are supposed to detect super early (within a few days of conception - much earlier and much less expensive than the ones you get at the store).
Good luck and happy waiting!