I had that. My 3rd kid. We did an ultrasound though. There were 2 sacs, 1 baby. The 2nd sac had to bleed out. Doctor said, if you want this baby spend the next few days in bed no heavy lifting, it has to bleed itself out. The kid is now 16.
i am about 5 weeks pergnant and woke up today with cramping and moderate bleeding. I went to the ob and they had a urine test performed which came out negative. My doctor said an ultrasound was not necessary because of the negative test, negative test, date of conception, etc... i did get my blood drawn to check my HCG level and will get the results tomorrow. I was convinced i had a miscarriage, and very devestated. the twist is i took a digital test i had left over when i got home and it came out positive... not only that but when i removed the stick from the digital reader the " pregnancy line" was very blue and defined. I have read it is impossible to get your period once youre pregnant, but others swear you can...Whats going on????
I had that. My 3rd kid. We did an ultrasound though. There were 2 sacs, 1 baby. The 2nd sac had to bleed out. Doctor said, if you want this baby spend the next few days in bed no heavy lifting, it has to bleed itself out. The kid is now 16.
I have had three miscarriages. Two were discovered after brown bleeding and an ultrasounds revealed lack of a fetal heartbeat. The first O., I really didn't realize until after the other two, but looking back, with that experience--clearly a miscarriage. I didn't realize I was pg. at the time.
All I can tell you is this...you cannot change the outcome and what will be, will be. All the best and I'm sorry you're going through this. Keep in touch with your OB.
keep in mind that hp tests can be very sensitive. i had one be positive after an injection to take care of my ectopic, and that same day, my blood test showed a level of 97. if you have miscarried, a hpt is not reliable, because the hormones don't leave immediately. the blood test will tell you more.
Some women still have their spotting or light bleeding while they are pregnant. All you can do is wait and see. In the meantime, refrain from alcohol/smoking, take prenatal vitamins (you can get them otc), and try and keep stress down until you know for sure you are not, or no longer pregnant.
There are plenty of women who have had blood, even cramping and still carried to live birth. But having lost 3 of 5 pregnancies myself, I can tell you that it happens even if you feel like it won't happen to you. If you are going to miscarry the sooner the better. I've miscarried at 3 weeks, 8 weeks, and 11 weeks. All of is sucks, but the longer you carry, the more difficult both emotionally and physically. Hope yours is good news, but if not, try to keep some perspective. Its okay to be disappointed, but it can always be worse. I have friends who have had still births at 7 months and premature deliveries at 24 weeks ending in the death of the baby.
You dont' get an actual period but you can have some spoting. I would just take it easy for a day or so and see what happens. Try not to stress out too much right now since the test said positve. Stress is the worst thing for you right now.
Good luck and God Bless!
Digital tests are notoriously unreliable. I've never had an accurate test with one and my OB's recommend not to use them.
The problem with taking tests so early, before you've missed a period or when you're only a day or two late, is that these tests are too sensitive to hormonal changes. We were never aware of very, very early miscarriages before these hyper-sensitive tests and this sort of thing is the backlash. We used to have normal periods when we were supposed to except for the fact that we can't wait to test. And we want doctors to do an ultrasound far too early when you can't get anything reliable until 8-10 weeks.
If you're having brown blood or very minimal drips of red, and that goes away fairly quickly, then that's typical in the beginning or even throughout a pregnancy. But if you're bleeding heavily like a normal period then it's likely a period at this stage.
In any case, I'm sorry that you're not pregnant this attempt.
I bled my entire pregnancy especially after intercourse. I also had really bad cramping up until I was like 10 weeks! Don't stress!! Every pregnancy is different.
You can have some light, brown bleeding and be OK but if it's heavy or lots of bright blood, then I'm sorry. I've experienced both an early miscarriage and a subchorionic hemmorahage (http://emedicine.medscape.com/article/404971-overview). When it's a miscarriage, you will know.
I had some moderate bleeding and cramping when I was pregnant with my daughter and went to the ER. They found my hcg levels weren't doubling like they should and told me most likely it was a miscarriage. I was devastated and convinced it was a miscarriage also. But my daughter was born full term and healthy so I suppose anything is possible.
Good luck to you.
I learned from my own experience that you can bleed and still be pregnant. We went through artificial insemination and then thought I was not pregnant because I had what I believed was my period a few weeks later. A month after that, I started having real severe paid in my abdomen and called my doctor. He said I should have come in for a blood test to determine whether or not I was actually pregnant. Long story short, I was pregnant after all, but it was a tubal pregnancy and so I lost the pregnancy and one of my tubes. There have been many sweet and kind comments already. Please don't worry and have faith it will all work out for the best. Sincere best wishes.