I'm going to weigh in on the non-hormonal bc side of things. Did you know that all of the manufactured hormones that women are on are passed into the eco-system when a woman urinates and it goes through the sewage system? It's true. It has actually caused problems for the local wildlife in certain areas. I also don't think that the conditions under which the horses are kept that most of these hormones are harvested from is in any way humane or right.
So those are some of the negative effects of synthetic hormones and that's not even touching on the personal effects (including cardiovascular risks), which you are already familiar with.
I'd have to say that I can put up with cramping and heavier bleeding in order to not be contributing to that. I'm not a crazy tree hugger and in fact I am pretty conservative, but I see no reason to damage perfectly good eco- systems if there's any way around it. After all, I want my children's children to be able to enjoy those same wondrous sights and experiences.
All of that being said, I have the Paraguard and I noticed that the cramping and heavier bleeding tapered off over 6 months until my period was pretty much back to normal. I love it and would never exchange it for a Mirena. Maybe you just didn't give it long enough.