I highly recommend the miracle blanket. This is the gift I will give at every baby shower going forward. My son slept and so did we!!
Good luck!
I'm thinking about getting a Miracle Blanket for my son to help with sleeping.
Has anyone used a Miracle Blanket and do you like it, does it work?
I highly recommend the miracle blanket. This is the gift I will give at every baby shower going forward. My son slept and so did we!!
Good luck!
Yes, yes, and yes!
We had one and used it for about 6 months. My son LOVED being swaddled.
As a warning, it looks a little scarry and we called ours "the baby straight jacket," but it worked.
If your baby likes to be swaddled or is having trouble settling down, I would HIGHLY recommend it!
Had one and loved it! It made swaddling a breeze.
omg...love love love the miracle blanket. highly recommend it. as one poster stated, it does look a little scary---straight-jacket like, but the babies love it. they settle down right away and drift off to sleep. will be the best money you spend.
Swaddling is wonderful for your newborn baby! But if you do not want to spend the money, you can simply swaddle him with a receiving blanket. Swaddling is easy, once you do it a couple times! Congrats on your baby boy!
We tried regular blankets and various swaddle blankets from BRU - hands down the Miracle Blanket was the best $35 we spent!
We used the Swaddle Me blankets when my twins little, which I think are very similar. They worked great. The first night we used them, they slept in a 6 hours stretch. Got them at BRU. Good Luck!