MIL 70Th Bday

Updated on September 24, 2013
S.D. asks from Peoria, AZ
8 answers

So here is the deal. My mom is turning 70 and we are getting a beach-house with my sister's family to celebrate next year. When My father in law had his 70th - we went on a trip together. So now my MIL is going to be 70. BUT we can't plan a trip because we just saw them for a wedding and did a HUGE 50th wedding anniversary for them this year. So I was trying to be creative as to what I can do. I have thoughts of the words to the item and send her a LIFESAVERS - You are a life savor...... etc.... then I thought how it would be funny to send her 70 dollars, 70 paydays etc..... But what a big number . I have to do this by mail. She has no friends, just FIL and Her go to movies every day, and eat every day. They have no hobbies, they have no ambitions. They take pills and eat and watch movies. They own every movie..... HELP !

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answers from Milwaukee on

What if you did 70 Small gifts to show you care?

For example, the 70 lifesavers candies. And 70 buds of flowers on a bouquet (carnations are great for this!) A poem comprised of 70 words about her. Bake a batch of 70 cookies. 70 pennies for her thoughts. 70 phone calls throughout the year, just to connect. A list of 70 milestones she has made in her lifetime. A list of the #1 something (#1 song each year, #1 movie, etc.) for each of the 70 years she's been around

You can also mix/match that up with ideas from sites like this one - 50 ways to show you care
full of small gift ideas that don't cost a lot (or anything)

Hope that helps, how great that you are trying to think out of the box & make it special for her! T.

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answers from Rochester on

When my friend's husband turned 70 she got everyone in the family to write one thing they loved about him. They put together a scrapbook that had "70 Reasons Why We Love You" with pictures of all the family members. A couple of years later when he developed Alzheimer's it was his life line. He would sit for hours looking at so that he could remember everyone.

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answers from Austin on

I hear you, Our family seems to be hitting milestones every year also.

I did give my father and his wife a large Popcorn bowl and some of the small ones to match.. Here is the link.. They love them.. I thought they were beautiful..

They wear their. Snugglies and watch movies on their humongous sofa...

I also got my step mom some custom M&M's also. Have them printed with Happy 70th Mom!

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answers from New York on

Ask her. There is no shame in it if it is done nicely. Dear MIL, I'd like to get you a gift for your 70th, but not sure what you might want/ need/ like. Do you have any ideas? I was thinking of getting you 70 lifesavers, because you are such a lifesaver. Let me know if there is something else you'd prefer.

Happy b-day to her.
F. B.

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answers from Chicago on

$70 gift cert to a restauraunt that they like but perhaps don't go to often.
$70 in cassino money, so they can "spice it up"?

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answers from Honolulu on

This isn't anything "exciting"... but so MIL and FIL just sit around.
Meanwhile, is their house a mess of messiness and just unkept?
If so, hire them a maid to clean the darn house?
I mean, it can be real hard, for a 70's old person, to even clean like a 30 year old can. They have aches and pains and mobility problems and even going on a ladder to reach something they can fall down and get hurt because they lack good balance etc. or they may have medical issues.
Much less, having to clean windows and screens. That is daunting for a 70's year old woman.

Or get her a bunch of movie gift cards. Or restaurant gift cards. That would save them on expenses. If they do have a tight budget etc.

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answers from Colorado Springs on

I agree that if you can ask MIL, she might have an idea of something she has always wanted. She doesn't have to know ahead about the details you cook up around her preferred gift. But it would be great to discover what might make her eyes light up. You could ask her, "If you could have anything you wanted, even if it was something expensive or silly, what would it be? Don't think too hard about this - just the first ideas you come up with!"

When my FIL turned 90, my husband and I sent him 90 gold dollars. It was a great idea. Everybody liked it. But I don't know what happened to them. He sure didn't go out and spend them!

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answers from Los Angeles on

70 is a big number to try and send 70 of something.
You could, however, send:
-her flowers
-Netflix paid for a year or month so the DVD's come straight to their mailbox
-70 one dollar bills to spend on herself
-a list of 70 reasons why you love her


70 is a big number to try and send 70 of something.
You could, however, send:
-her flowers
-Netflix paid for a year or month so the DVD's come straight to their mailbox
-70 one dollar bills to spend on herself
-a list of 70 reasons why you love her


70 is a big number to try and send 70 of something.
You could, however, send:
-her flowers
-Netflix paid for a year or month so the DVD's come straight to their mailbox
-70 one dollar bills to spend on herself
-a list of 70 reasons why you love her

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