I rule out medical first: Ears, sinuses, teeth. Screaming when laid flat (babies are propped up to nurse, in car seats, the vast majority of the time, they're reclined or vertical, not flat) is HUGELY indicative of an ear infection or sinus infection.
Since he's waking up when you lay him down, 1 will get you 10, he's suddenly feeling like someone is stabbing his head with an icepick. That's ears or sinuses... and it's a trip to the Ped (or ER since it's a holiday weekend...now that they don't have OTC meds in this country (that's another rant for another time. Know... kids ALWAYS get sick at 5pm on a Friday... or precisely 1 minute after your Ped closes. It's just how it is. Murphey's Law).
Teeth are another probability. A lot of kids are so active in the daytime they aren't cranky or fussy at all with their teeth cutting (and as an adult who has cut a tooth... that HURTS... like knife in the mouth hurts) UNTIL it's bedtime and everything is quiet. Then they can't sleep because their mouth hurts. I call this one "The Tylenol Test". If a dose of tylenol later they're conked out sleeping like a log... it's a pain issue. And one fixable with tylenol (which ears and sinuses usually aren't).
I rule out medical first, because I learned the hard way. Trying a gazillion things and then HEADSMACK. Oh. This easily fixable thing. Of course, that was back when infant drops were available OTC. Super easy to fix pain and congestion at home, no $100 copays needed. But again. A rant for another time.
If it's not medical ... time to check the other usual suspects.
1st... Still hungry? This is the cluster feeding thing that happens at around 6mo, and again at 9-10mo (and probably was around a lot as a newborn at 1 week, 3 weeks, etc.). Nursing, half hour break, nursing again. It's to kick up your supply, and because they're about to launch into a major growth spurt. The cluster feeding tells your body to start amping up both supply and changes the content of your milk. It's a pain. But it only lasts for a few days to a week or so.
2nd... if you started solids recently (past month), ditch them unless you're under orders for reflux. Nothing but nothing will screw up an infant's sleep faster than adding solids before their digestive system is ready for them. They can't digest them (like eating cardboard) so their systems back up, get gassy, cramp. Only about 50% of infants can digest solids at 6mo. If you're on here awhile you'll see a trend "I just started my infant on solids, and now they're cranky, fussy, can't sleep, constipated, gassy..." the list goes on. The easy fix is this: Stop Solids. Peds say you can go ahead and TRY solids at 6mo. ANY bad effects (sleep, attitude, pain, etc.) one needs to stop. Wait a few months. Most babies like the way things TASTE about 3 months before they can digest them without major upset. Tasting is great... no problemo. Just don't do more than about a teaspoon or table spoon or you'll have problems!!!
3rd Temp (too hot, too cold)
4th (enviornment... lights, sounds, textures)
5th sepearation anxiety. This is THE age to start peek a boo. The realization that they're alone can happen between now and three months from now. Kicks in some major separation anxiety in many infants. So you play peekaboo. You duck around a corner and come back. The whole thing is leave, come back, leave, come back. Build up the trust that you will ALWAYS be back... and then they just dig it and are fine.
I'd lay serious money on it being medical ... but if it's not... keep the others in mind.