I had my baby with the vanderbilt midwives and tenncare paid for every penny. The only drawback was that the CNM(certified nurse midwife) has to adhere to more of a medical model than a CPM(certified professional midwife). I wound up having to fight an uphill battle to not induce my baby early, because they thought she had IUGR-which is when the baby stops growing in utero. All the ultrasounds and non-stress tests came back normal, and I just knew she was fine so I fought it. It was not easy, but I got them to let me hold out till a week after my due date, when my doula helped me do some natural things to get labor started. I had no epidural, but wound up on pitocin, with IV's and a continuous monitor, all things I did not want. Turned out my baby was fine all along, they just got the due date wrong and so she seemed smaller than she should have been.
All in all my experience there was better than it would have been with an OB, but next time I will save up the $3000 to have my baby at home, which is a very safe, positive option. I know a WONDERFUL midwife in the Middle Tennessee area, who acted as my doula since I went through the hospital. She did my childbirth classes at our home, educated and supported me, and stayed next to me every second of my labor. If you want more information, feel free to email me at ____@____.com
Good luck! Having my baby "naturally" was the most empowering, rewarding experience of my life, and I admire you for taking that road. Also, if you do go through the vandy midwives I would also recomend Susan Lewis. She was not my main midwife, but was on call during my labor and was there when I was laboring. She was kind, respectful and competent. I knew I was in good hands.